Thursday, March 11, 2010

Week 6 - "Truck!"

“He who runs behind truck is exhausted, he who runs in front of truck is tired.”

This week I have been following the truck. After being in front all last week, I have dropped behind and continue to struggle for sleep, rest, food, and more food.

Everything seems to be off kilter just a minute fraction. I am tired at night, but cannot sleep? Nothing has changed, no new sheets, no new PJ’s, not a new wife laying beside me, no stress at work that I cannot handle. I fall a sleep in 1 to 2 minutes from the head hitting the pillow, but the night wakes me around 1AM and I lie there in a dead zone.

Rest, we all know that does not happen. If you are married, have a job, have children and squeeze in time to train rest becomes a void in your life. Even when you have a second to relax, the mind continues forward and you remember that the trash needs to go out, laundry (your stinky workout garb) needs to get washed, you hear the toilet constantly running and need to repair it, the list is endless.

Food. I cannot get enough. I am good with how I eat. I do not buy Pre Training, During Training or Post Recovery junk that cost an arm and a leg with little to no benefit. I eat healthy. The food pyramid is on the fridge so what more do you need. But, the constant craving of food even with increasing the intake is not doing it. Example, this morning during a 2500 meter consistent swim all I could think about is Blueberry Pancakes dripping with Maple syrup and a hot cup of Jo. The thoughts were overwhelming that during the swim, my stomach started to rumble because I was hungry.

As I chug behind the truck, I assess my day and continue to adjust to balance everything out to insure that the next 40 days of training are not easy, but manageable.

Master’s Swim this morning. Coach Mike’s workout was a doozy, but I enjoy the long stuff.

400M Smooth
200M Kick: 100M Fins – 100M No Fins
4 X 100M I.M.
100M right arm then left w/fins
100M Catch-up
100M Tarzan Swim
100M Fist
2500M Straight
50 Meters at :40
200 Meters at a 1:40 pace
Every 250M lead swimmer switches with no rest.
200M Drills
200M Swim
100M Kick

The mojo at the start of the swim was not there. Every stroke for the warm up and pre set was a challenge. Once we got into the 2500M straight swim, I feel into a rhythm and could have easily swam that pace for another 2500 meters.

Tomorrow, is the fourth 20 miler out of 5 in my training. I need to forge ahead and pass the truck and be in the lead as I run this particular distance solo in the morning. If I am in front of the truck the whole way on pace then I will be tired but at least I will not be exhausted.

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