I have been lax in writing about my training for the reason that it has been hum-drum. Nothing exciting, nothing interesting. A number of athletes are training for various races coming up and at this point is seems everyone is in their own "zone" to get through the last couple of months before the season is over.
I do have to report though that I believe I am breaking out of the funk. The workouts are getting easier and I feel as if I am getting stronger. Last week, I eased off the tempo run and ran at a lighter pace and then picked up another 5 miler the next day at a very easy pace. This seem to keep my muscles groomed for track as I hit every 800 at pace or a little better.
The momentum carried me into Friday's 13 mile run. I met Bob and Wren at the Big Creek Greenway. Though Wren was on a different run, I think she felt safe running at dawn with Bob in front of her and me trailing behind a couple minutes later.
I had given Bob a 3 minute head start on the 13 mile run on Friday. Since the paces were different I was to catch him about mile 10. Bob took off at 6:15AM, Wren about 20 seconds later. I waited until 6:18:30 then proceeded in the dark down the Greenway.
I caught Wren about Mile 3, but by this time the sun was over the horizon and we both felt comfortable she would be alright for the rest of the run.
About a half a mile later I saw Bob! I was not supposed to see him until the turn and catch him about mile 10, but I had realized from faults of my own that I was way ahead of pace. I dialed back as we hit the mile 4 marker. I looked back and saw Wren about a quarter mile behind. She was turning at mile 4 to head back. I waved, she waved and I knew that she would be fine heading back on the trail.
I forged ahead trying to slow the pace down to 7:41's but my breathing was labored, the legs were tired and I did not want to come up on Bob this early.
I kept him in my sights but did not pass. When he hit the 6.5 mile marker and the turn I was 20 seconds behind. I knew at the turn I planned on negative splitting this run. I increased pace and as I came up on Bob I told him his pace was fine. I advised him that I was the one that was off. I said, "maintain your goal" as I went by him.
The increase in pace actually leveled out my breathing and the legs just turned over with no fatigue. I kept clicking the miles off, drinking, taking gels and focusing on my form the whole way back.
At the last mile I increased the speed even more to finish strong. Bob was a few minutes behind me with the same thoughts as he motored to the end to complete the same 13.1 miles as I. We hit the tenth of mile at the end just for the sake to knock out a Half Marathon for training.
The pace for Bob was 7:43's while my pace ended the half marathon distance at 7:20's.
Both were too fast, but for both of us we needed it.
This brings us to Week 9. Monday is the tempo run. I decided to run this at lunch. The girls started school today and I wanted to be there for them to help make breakfast, make their lunches and see them off.
Another school year is upon us and I know this is going to be a good year. We sailed into the first day with positive attitudes. This is a goal of mine to continue to remain positive and supportive of my children in their endeavors over this next school year.
After they set off on their first day I headed to work. About 10AM I received an email from Bob about the tempo run. Both the Wonder Twins were running their runs at 11:30AM and asked if I wanted to join.
That is a slam dunk in my book. To run a fast, grueling, hot, pounding run to nowhere and suffer with others? I was in.
I met them at 11:30AM, we climbed aboard the mills and started into the run. 2 miles, easy. Easy would not be a word to describe the start of the run. The legs were tight, maybe from the ride yesterday or just sitting at my desk for 4 hours before. Whatever the case, they hurt.
When I neared the end of the 2 mile warm up I was to crank the mill up to 9.1 miles per hour or 6:35's for 3 miles. After the first mile I noticed the time and miles did not add up right. I did some quick calculating in my head and up the speed to 9.2 miles/hour. Again, at the end of the second tempo mile, it was still a little off (by a tenth of a mile), so I increased the speed one more time to 9.3 miles/hour or 6:21 pace. This evened out my time and distance as I huff and puffed while mumbling my "special word" to get me through the last portion of the run.
A few runners that came in behind the three of us as we cruised along at fast speeds during the run to see how fast we were going. I could see them out of the corner of my eye while this pushed me to finish with their curiosity.
In the end we all hit our individual goals for the training session.
61 days, 18 hours and 39 minutes to go.
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