Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Anxious Aqua Man

Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something.

I never considered myself, ever a lazy person, but since I am anxious, I guess I fit the bill.
In life, my life and my family’s life “idle” does not compute. We are constantly on the move. Events, commitments, chores, projects and athletics use up our time. For me to be idle is for me to be dead. Even sitting on the chesterfield for a brief moment to rest from one activity to the next my rest is disturbed by thoughts of things that need to be accomplished. Within seconds of settling in to be idle I am up and moving again.

My time and my family’s time to sit and relax is Friday nights with pizza, beer and a movie, other than that I am on the move.

This goes for my training life as well. I like structure in training. Knowing when, where and how I am going to attack my next training session pumps me up and gets me stoked for the challenge.

With “Post”, training in the air not only with me but also with Sarah there is a sense of anxiety that has crept into my psyche that has a temporary hold on me. Sarah has just finished her challenge of a 70.3 event. She is thrilled with her accomplishment as I share in her enjoyment of conquering her quest. Through all Sarah has been through, she has persevered. This is a trait of hers that I adore. She is not a quitter, but a fighter. The differences between us are that she is contempt and enjoys the downtime after her victory. Me, I cannot stand it. I am ready for the next challenge and want to start it right now. Her ability to “relax” after a grueling challenge is another part of her I love. This I cannot understand. In her own way, she helps me “try” to control the constant movement I need.

Right now, after my goal of running the Boston Marathon and the downtime I am to take, I see my friends getting stronger on the bike and run. There is no jealously or resentment protruding. All I want is the ability to be a part of their progress and seeing them move forward.

With the sideline issues experienced right now, that cannot happen.
The body has spoken and curbed me from perpetual motion with my feet. I can still move forward at a snail’s pace, which is out of my element.

So to say I am anxious, is a true statement. To say since I am anxious that I am lazy is other true statement.

I try to put training and moving forward out of my mind, but the grey matter between my ears does not comprehend this type of thinking. There needs to be a constant balance in the tiny universe I exist in and without the Ying and the Yang, I am lost.

Are my goals fading away? Will I ever be able to pursue the goal that I have set for myself for 2010? Should I buy a bass boat, fishing supplies and a beer cooler and forget this whole training and pushing the body to the brink stuff? Fresh fish and Budweiser in the can is appealing...?
This afternoon will help me clarify it. This afternoon will allow me to focus on the next chapter of my athletic life. The “afternoon” will determine my path of my perpetual existence.

I need the challenge in my life of pushing myself to the edge of the envelope. To see what I am capable physically and mentally. I have been down this path before when the body told me what I was destined for. I did not believe it then and I will not believe it now.

But, I need clarification and assistance to put myself back on the train tracks which I have been derailed from over the last 45 days.

Idle and lazy are not in my vocabulary. The “afternoon” will have an impact on me but it will not set me in anyone of these two categories.

If anything, I will start to search for a good deal on a slightly used Ranger Bass Boat.
One last thing.

I returned to Master’s Swimming this morning. I have to say it was nice to be back. Coach Mike welcomed me along with all my fellow swimmers since I am forced to swim only.
I was knocked down a peg by Brian this morning telling me I had to start from scratch in the far lanes. Jokingly of course. I knew that I had to start lower in the ranks since I have not swum over 3000M’s since April 1st.

Coach Mike’s Workout:

100M Free
100M I.M.
100M Drill
Repeat 3 times
18 X 50 Descending ever 3.
:55, :51, :47
8 X 150M with the last 25M race pace
Interval 2:55
3 X 350M with every 4th length race pace
On the 7’s.
200M Cool Down

I swam with Jeff, Chris and Rebecca. I enjoyed swimming with my friends and enjoyed the workout.

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