Monday, May 24, 2010

A Weekend Warrior

The past couple of days have been a hurl wind of activity. When life is busy things seem to hum along just fine. But sometimes you need to ease off and enjoy the simple things that surround you on a daily basis. This was not one of these weekends, but I have truncated my writings into a short description of the events that took place.

Thursday: Ellie's Recital:

Sharon String Quartet

Ellie waiting for their turn

"Old McDonald Had a Farm"...

The ending of "Star Bright, Star Light"

Some of the girls getting down to Jazz!

Cumming Christan Jazz Band

The girls had a great time
Friday was a recovery day. With the injury still plaguing me I slept in and took it easy.
Saturday was a day for yardwork. The lawn was cut, power washed the driveway, sidewalk and porch. Mulched and stained more of the shoe box. Ended the day with burgers and beers on the grill. A meal fit for a Warrior...
Sunday: The Day for Warrior's

The mist came over the mountains as the two Warriors made their way to the battlefield in Mountain City, GA

Along the way we stopped to pay homage to the Goats.

Goats on the Roof!

We are close to Warrior Land!

Upon unloaded our chariot we boarded the ships to Warrior Land.

We had to register for the Warrior Events

Warrior mill around before the battles begin.

Clans from all over the area came to participate.

The Man Dress Clan

The Grinch Clan

Clans from near and far came to take the challenge in the Mud Pit of Doom.

Nacho Libre' took on the challenge.

Warriors drudged through the mud

More obstacles on their way...

Warriors making out of the Mud Pit of Doom towards the Logs of Terrior

Another wave of Warriors pushing towards victory!

A Warrior Wench from the Hauf Brau' House Clan

D'An from the Feather Tribe

A Mud Warrior barreling through the Wall of Fire

A Broadway Warrior coming to the end of his journey

Caveman Tribe Warrior afraid of F-I-R-E!

Mud Pit of Doom taken it toll on Warrior Bob.

Warrior Bob with his Vest of Man Hair with Warriors from a neighboring tribe.

Warriors celebrating a good day of pillaging.

More celebration

Awards to the Top Warriors...BOB! First Place in his Age Group Tribe!!!

Bob's prize...prizes.

Good day for all

Battle wounds from 3 times the challenge.

Victory times Three!

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