Friday, May 7, 2010


When things do not go as planned then a detour transpires.

The nagging issues with the tendons have spoke up and told me to slow down. Miles of running have taken their toll.

I could, but won't, sit on my behind and feel sorry for myself. That is not in my nature. I am a "suck it up and deal with it" type of individual.

When I get knocked down I figure away out to not get knocked down again. We all get up, that is what we do, but to say, "I am not getting knocked down again" is what a few would say. One of them is me.

I have revamped the training and what I have substituted for running over the next 10 days is, swimming, swimming, swimming and a few moderate bikes.

This will allow the fitness to be maintained and allow the injuries to heal.

Today, I was up at 4:25AM. I was to meet my friend, Ann Marie at the pool for her scheduled workout. I told Ann Marie last week that I would be her "Friday Beech" and swim and then run her tempo run with her. I had to break that promise which irritated me to no end. I don't like backing off of a promise, but with run, the thing I enjoy most, out of the picture I had to be a "Friday Half Beech" to her.

The workout was very cut and dry: 10 X 300M descending. Ann Marie was in lane 4 while I took lane 3. There were plenty of swimmers in the pool this morning but we were on a mission.

The workout went good. We descended at our own paces, AM descending from 6:17 to 5:59 while I went from 4:49 to 4:31. After the swim AM headed out to run her 60 minute tempo run which again pained to not to run.

I headed off to the homestead. My wife, Sarah was leaving for her very first Half Ironman at White Lake, NC today. Her race is tomorrow and she was trekking the 7 hour trip to the race sight with good friends and training partners, Courtney and Wren. This is a maiden voyage for the trio and I wanted to be there to see them off on their journey.

My wife, her friends and a few of my other friends, Michelle, Richard, Donna, Carmen and Sami are all venturing out to participate in Half Ironman Distances this weekend at White Lake, REV3 and Gulf Coast.

With the number of triathlons I have participated in I do miss the action of competing but I am more excited for Sarah and my friends in living their dreams over the next 72 hours.

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