When things are going your way and you feel good about your progress this is when you hit a bump in the road.
This weekend was B-U-S-Y. Sarah left for her first Half Iron Distance triathlon on Friday with Wren and Courtney. My sister, my niece and my parents are came into town. My sister, Nicole was the featured artist at the Dunwoody Art Festival. My parents came to help out where needed at the festival.
The girls and their cousin folded right into each other and hung out most of the weekend. With Sarah gone and a household of guest it was my job to cook, clean and make sure the homestead continued to function.
The blur of weekend was over before I knew it but during this time since Friday night a lot went on:
Grace had cheerleading try-outs until 10:30PM on Friday.
My buddy, Bob had an art show in Roswell.
My sister, Nicole was at her art show all weekend.
My wife, Sarah completed her very first 70.3 distance triathlon along with her close friends, Courtney and Wren. We are very proud of her and Courtney & Wren for their accomplishment!
My friends, Michelle, Carmen and Sami participated in 70.3 events in Panama City & Knoxville.
My daughter Grace was confirmed in the Methodist Church on Sunday.
Ellie and Camille opened a lemonade stand and raked in over $13!
And me? Well, no running, no swimming and no biking. I held the home together, did yard work, went to my sister's art show, Grace's confirmation and was there for Sarah on her arrival back home on Saturday night.
This week will be focusing on healing, strengthing and trying to maintain my fitness level. I have a appointment on Tuesday with a specialist to get me on the right road to recovery. I know this detour is not permenant and it was the effect of miles of running, but it does wear on your mind to think you may not be able to do what you enjoy eventhough it is not true.
This is why I am taking aggressive moves to combat this on get back on the main highway back to my top form.
In the meantime, the pool is my oasis. I may even come back to Master's this week just to swim with my old swimming buddies. Hope they will have me back.
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